Much to my delight, another season of Gossip Girl started last week. It was a long, scandal-free summer without this show.
One of my favorite things to do during TV season is read show recaps the next day to see what editors and fans were thinking, and if it lines up with my reactions. The most fun Gossip Girl recap is from New York Magazine. Entertainment Weekly finally ponied up a full TV Watch this year. I'm often surprised by how snarky the reader comments are on the TV Watches (the ones for Grey's Anatomy can get especially nasty).
My reactions to last night's episode are as follows: Rufus is still completely uninteresting to me, as much as I loved Matthew Settle in Band of Brothers. Same goes for Vanessa -- she is so annoying, and has no apparent life outside of waiting for one of the Humphrey's to need her for coffee and/or Doc Marten wearing abilities. What purpose does her character serve? As always, Blair was my favorite. I'm enjoying watching her with her new royal boyfriend. He's cute and courtly, but I don't completely believe he's as peachy as he seems. Chuck continues to be improbably sexy.
The craziest storyline is Nate's descent into being a male prostitute! I did not see that coming, although it might have been revealed in the spoiler section of EW's recent cover story on GG. Sweet, nice, slightly stupid Nate, I hate to see you reduced to being a man whore!
Lastly, this little piece of news made me squeal internally. Leighton Meester and Blake Lively (Blair and Serena, respectively) are going to be on 30 Rock!
whens the next post? I love this blog!
whens the next post? I love this blog!
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