Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Did you hear about them there podcasts?

Maybe I'm a little late to the party on this one, but I just got to know podcasts. Here, I'll detail what Lost podcasts I like. I started off small with The Offical Lost Podcast. It often has interviews with producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse (including the occasional banjo solo), the actors, and some interesting behind the scenes stuff like how the freighter set was built.

But why listen to one Lost podcast when you can have three? From there, I quickly moved on to two which are fan-created. First, The Transmission, which is recorded in Hawaii by married couple Ryan and Jen. Thanks to their proximity to the Lost set, they often have fun spoilery news items to share. They just returned from ComiCon and to the delight of fans everywhere, have posted the audio from the huge Lost panel. And finally, I also listen to The Lost Podcast with Jay and Jack. I think they are a step-father/son combo and have a very entertaining banter going on. While I don't always listen to the entirety of each episode, it's enlightening to hear both shows parse out Lost details and make predictions.

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